Gear Testing Machines
Gear Testing Machines
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Gear Testing Machines

Gear Testing Machines
Rebuilt and Computerized Gear Teters

Gear Testing Machines

The following points highlight features of our Rebuilt & Computerised Gear Testers.
Fully reconditioned & all defective mechanical parts reworked or replaced
Assured supply of  complete spares & services for at least 10 years.
Experienced &  Skilled Service Team for Service & Calibration.
Machine will be proved with CNC machine calibrated master within +/- 2 micron.
One year warranty for complete machine .


Gear Testing Machines Gear Testing Machines
HMCT Group - CNC Gear Teters

Gear Testing Machines

Small & medium module gears & allows accurate inspections of Profile, Lead & Pitch deviations on the cylindrical gear.
It is ideal device for workshop or inspection room in the automobiles, motorcars and electric tool industries.


Gear Testing Machines Gear Testing Machines
• Portable CNC Pitch testers from Donner + Pfister AG

Portable CNC Pitch testers from Donner + Pfister AG

Portable CNC Pitch testers from Donner + Pfister AG

We are pleased and proud to inform you that prime technologies has partnered with Donner + Pfister as Business partner for portable pitch testers

Under the partnership prime Technologies will market & Support D+ P products in India

Thus India gear manufacturer have an excellent opportunity to upgrade their inspection facilities with world renowned D+P products.

The new portable pitch measuring instrument ES 4100 offers an extremely exat method of measurement based on the principle of chord measurement (comparator method). A high degree of operational convenience is possible by the bult in processing of the measured data and the tilt and swivel display touch-screen.


Gear Testing Machines Gear Testing Machines
• Double Flank Gear Roll Testers For Spur, helical, Worm, Bevel & Rack

Gear Roll Tester

Gear Roll Tester

• We provide following range of gear roll testers

• For checking total composite error of gears with bore Or between center

• Module 0.5 to 10

• center distance from diameter 15 mm.

• Gear Diameter 10 mm to 450 mm

• With revolving or dead centers

• special model for cluster shaft measurement in one sert up

• Measurement 3 workpiece in one set up


Gear Testing Machines
• Expansion & Spline Mandrills for inspection applications from Germany
Expansion Mandrills



Our expanding mandrels cover a range from diameter 6,35 mm 177,80 mm
Guaranteed accuracy 0,0025 mm over entire range of expansion.
Expansion range up to 25.40 mm on a single mandrel
Gear Testing Machines
• Software for Wenzel / Hofler CNC Gear Testers


We offer Software, Calibration , breakdown & AMC services for Wenzel make CNC Gear Measuring Machine

T Bevel: to check straight and spiral pinion and gears

Bevel gear software to check straight and pinion and measurement and evaluation

Gear Testing Machines